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Download Nano Text Editor Mac

File Management

  1. Download Nano Text Editor Mac Os X
  2. Download Nano Text Editor Linux
  3. Nano Text Editor Commands

Download Nano Text Editor Mac Os X

Ctrl+GDisplay help textCtrl+XClose the current file buffer / Exit from nano

Modern version showing line numbers and selected text: 3.x era Modern version showing its undo support: 2.x era Modern version with a colorized interface: 1.x era Showing support for syntax highlighting: Switching between multiple file buffers with Meta-: before 1.0 Default (basic) nano setup.

Ctrl+OWrite the current file to diskCtrl+RInsert another file into the current oneAlt+>Switch to the next file bufferAlt+<Switch to the previous file buffer

Search and Replace

KeyActionCtrl+WSearch for a string or a regular expressionCtrl+Replace a string or a regular expressionAlt+WRepeat the last search


KeyActionCtrl+_Go to line and column numberCtrl+YGo one screenful upCtrl+VGo one screenful downAlt+Go to the first line of the fileAlt+/Go to the last line of the fileCtrl+BGo back one characterCtrl+FGo forward one characterAlt+SpaceGo back one wordCtrl+SpaceGo forward one wordCtrl+AGo to beginning of current lineCtrl+EDownloadGo to end of current lineCtrl+PGo to previous lineCtrl+NGo to next lineAlt+(Download nano text editor windowsGo to beginning of paragraph; then of previous paragraphAlt+)Go just beyond end of paragraph; then of next paragraphAlt+-Scroll up one line without scrolling the cursorAlt++Scroll down one line without scrolling the cursorAlt+<Switch to the previous file bufferAlt+>Switch to the next file bufferTextCtrl+CDisplay the position of the cursorAlt+]Go to the matching bracket


KeyActionAlt+UUndo the last operationAlt+ERedo the last undone operation

Download Nano Text Editor Linux

Alt+}Indent the current lineAlt+{Unindent the current lineAlt+^Copy the current line and store it in the cutbufferCtrl+KCut the current line and store it in the cutbufferCtrl+UUncut from the cutbuffer into the current lineCtrl+JJustify the current paragraphCtrl+TInvoke the spell checker, if availableAlt+VInsert the next keystroke verbatimCtrl+IInsert a tab at the cursor positionCtrl+MInsert a newline at the cursor positionCtrl+DDelete the character under the cursorCtrl+HDelete the character to the left of the cursorAlt+TCut from the cursor position to the end of the fileAlt+JJustify the entire fileAlt+DCount the number of words, lines, and charactersCtrl+^Mark text starting from the cursor position


KeyActionAlt+XHelp mode enable­/di­sableAlt+CConstant cursor position display enable­/di­sableAlt+O

Nano Text Editor Commands

Use of one more line for editing enable­/di­sableAlt+SSmooth scrolling enable­/di­sableAlt+$Soft wrapping of overlong lines enable­/di­sableAlt+PWhitespace display enable­/di­sableAlt+YColor syntax highli­ghting enable­/di­sableAlt+HSmart home key enable­/di­sableAlt+IAuto indent enable­/di­sableAlt+KCut to end enable­/di­sableAlt+LHard wrapping of overlong lines enable­/di­sableAlt+QConversion of typed tabs to spaces enable­/di­sableAlt+BBackup files enable­/di­sableAlt+FReading file into separate buffer enable­/di­sable

What is Nano Editor

GNU nano is a one of the popular and easiest command line text editor used on many operating systems including Unix-based systems and BSD variants.

How to install Nano Text Editor

Some OS distributions comes with Nano editor installed ,so install nano depends on OS.

Install Nano Text Editor on Debian / Ubuntu

Install Nano Text Editor on CentOS / RHEL

Nano Text Editor Common Commands

To edit a file you can type the following command , in case the file not exists the Nono editor will create new file on save the file.

Here are some basic nanocommands might help you while editing file:

  • CTRL + A :Jump to the beginning of the line.
  • CTRL + E :Jump to the end of the line.
  • CTRL + V :Scroll page up.
  • CTRL + Y :Scroll page down.
  • CTRL + W :Search for a specified phrase in your text. To search for the same phrase again press ALT + W.
  • CTRL + K :Cuts the entire selected line to the “cut buffer”.
  • CTRL + U :Pastes the text from the “cut buffer – Memory” into the selected line.
  • CTRL + J :Justifies the paragraph.
  • CTRL + _ :Go to specified line and column number.
  • CTRL + C : See where your cursor currently is.
  • CTRL + X :Exits Nano text editor. In case you made any changes to the file, it will prompt a save request.

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